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Current projects
Book in progress:
“Prison Power: Kingpins, Snitches, and Innocents.”
Based on over a decade of longitudinal ethnography with Guatemalan carceral communities, this book project maps the politics of survival in one of the world’s most overcrowded and dangerous prison systems through intimate prisoner life histories, tracing the evolution of power in prison and prison’s power in 21st century society.

Book in progress:
“No Escape from the Criminal State"
Funded by the Wenner Gren foundation, and drawing from ongoing multi-sited fieldwork in US immigration detention centers, migration routes through Mexico, and sending communities in Central America, this book project explores the varied constellations of criminal governance shaping the dynamics of forced migration from Central America and life in Central American diasporas.
Article in progress:
"The Gangster and the President: Identity and Immigration Politics in Washington D.C."

Article in progress:
“Angela Valeria and Angel Mothers: Spectacles of Innocent Suffering in US Immigration Politics”
Article in progress: “Spectacles of Security: Police Reform and Public Perception in Central America”

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